Normal days

normalday1I've been MIA on the blog lately, which typically means life has been crazy-busy around here. When my to-do list is overflowing, the blog is always the first thing to go. But, it's so nice to sit back and reflect on "our normal days" and look through some recent moments captured on camera. Time flies—that's for sure—but this is what matters.

I read this quote on one of my favorite blogs, A Cup of Jo: 5 beautiful motherhood tips, and got teary and thankful and sad—all at the same time. Of course, I had to quickly design a print of it. The words were just too good to read and forget. Bottom line is: It's the normalcy of life that we take for granted. We need to try and soak in every minute of it, because before we know it, it will be gone.

So, here's to our "normal" days...

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Missing these boat days being our "normal"...hoping the next warm Saturday or Sunday, that's where we'll be...

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And many more to come...