age 2

Calder at Age 2

Oh sweet words can describe how much we ADORE you. I recently made this for her (and for us!) highlighting all of things she loves at this age. I love this age and am trying to soak in every minute with her. She growing like a weed and time really does fly these days! We've had such a FUN summer together and I can't believe she starts her new school (and wears those precious St. Paul's uniforms!) next week. Here are some highlights from this summer...and why I've been so MIA on the blog...

These are the moments that matter.

The child LOVES to swim. She asked me if we could swim this morning before I dropped her off at school and of course I couldn't say we're making this a short day in the office!

Entertaining you on the boat was sometimes a challenge...And we ended this summer with a bang. Calder got her second set of tubes put in and her adenoids removed. She bounced back like a champ and Dr. Elliot was amazing too. We're ready for school start very soon and I can already tell she feels so much better!

So long sweet summer. It's been a GREAT one!